Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Awake, aroused

"'Not bad. He has a decent one for such a tall guy.'"
"'Do tall guys have little ones?'"
"'Mostly. And I think he is Asian; Asians have the smallest.'"
"'Does it work as well as it looks, Maria?'"
"I woke up with a start to find myself lying stark naked in an unfamiliar room, spooning an equally naked woman. I stared at her soft brown body in confusion, shrieks of laughter ringing in my ears. Marco, Alex and Maki were standing in front of us, fully dressed in sleeveless T-shirts and rugged jeans. I moved to cover myself and the woman, who had just stirred awake."
"She stretched and swung her legs off the bed unselfconsciously."
"'Bastards,' she said to Marco and the others. 'Will you ever grow up?'"
"She didn't make any attempt to cover herself, and I found myself aroused by her plump, curvaceous figure. Everyone howled, and she smiled."
"'You were not bad,' she said. 'You need help with Mr Johnson there any time, you know where to come.'"
"Only, I didn't. I had no memory at all of last night, except thrusting for an eternity and her writing, moaning body underneath."
"The woman put on her red dress from yesterday."
"Much to everyone's amusement, she came and playfully stroked my penis."
"'Nice to meet you,' she said. 'My name is Maria.'"
"She left the room and I stared in embarrassment at Marco and his friends."
"'Can you show me the accounts please?' I said in a rush."
"They laughed well into the morning."
(Karan Bajaj in 'Johnny Gone Down,' p. 131 Harper)

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